mysqldump script (per tables)

#!/bin/bash # This is PER TABLE backup. Each table will be backed up individually ## to enable passwordless mysqdump, put your password in /etc/mysql/[mysqld|percona|maria].conf.d/client.conf # [client] # user=”” # pass=”” THEDB=”mydbname” # THE DATABASE OUTPUT=”/home/backup/mysqldump” DATE=`date +%Y%m%d` OPTS=”–max_allowed_packet=512M ” tables=`mysql -e “use $THEDB; show tables;” | tr -d “| ” | grep -v -E “^Tables_in_” […]

LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale

This happens all the times to me. Keeping a note here..   for Centos cat ‘LC_CTYPE=”en_US.UTF-8″‘ >> /etc/environment For Ubuntu export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 en_US  dpkg-reconfigure locales ->> choose 149 and 3

Securing apache

Some notes on securing apache.. A few key points Disable access to . Disable banner disabled PHP functions Slow dos mitigation (link) Disable access to . <filesmatch “^\.ht”> Order allow,deny Deny from all <filesmatch “^\.”> Order allow,deny Deny from all <directorymatch “^\.|\/\.”> Order allow,deny Deny from all Disable banner Usually found in /etc/apache/conf-enabled/security.conf […]

Easiest way to install ffmpeg on mac os

Just keeping reference. /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL” brew install ffmpeg –with-vpx –with-vorbis –with-libvorbis –with-vpx –with-vorbis –with-theora –with-libogg –with-libvorbis –with-gpl –with-version3 –with-nonfree –with-postproc –with-libaacplus –with-libass –with-libcelt –with-libfaac –with-libfdk-aac –with-libfreetype –with-libmp3lame –with-libopencore-amrnb –with-libopencore-amrwb –with-libopenjpeg –with-openssl –with-libopus –with-libschroedinger –with-libspeex –with-libtheora –with-libvo-aacenc –with-libvorbis –with-libvpx –with-libx264 –with-libxvid